AMS 3260 covers an ethylene propylene (EPDM) rubber manufactured in strips, sheets, extrusion, tubing, or molded shapes. This class of EPDM rubber is often used for components that must withstand weathering, phosphate ester base hydraulic fluids, and polar solvents, such as ketones, water, and steam, while in service. Common examples include low-pressure gaskets, dust covers, door seals, and shock absorption components. For products that must be resistant to a specific fluid not listed, a different AMS spec may be more appropriate.

AMS 3260 lists the technical requirements of EPDM rubber and acceptance tests for quality assurance.

Please note: The information outlined above is to be used as a reference for AMS 3260 Ethylene-Propylene-Diene (EPDM) Rubber General Purpose 45 - 55. Please refer to SAE International for full details and the most current revision.

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