In compression tests, the test piece is clamped and supported during the test and the compression span is always kept short to prevent buckling. These tests are commonly referred to as 'crush' tests, as the test sample

is crushed between platens. There are five main types of tests:
Concora Crush Testing (CCT)
Corrugated or 'Concora' crush testing measures the edgewise compression strength of a laboratory-fluted strip of a corrugating medium. We measure CCT in accordance with Tappi T824, and results are quoted in kN/m.
Concora Medium Testing (CMT)
The corrugating or 'Concora' medium test determines the flat crush resistance of a laboratory-fluted strip of a corrugate medium.
Smithers measure CMT in accordance with BS EN ISO 7263. The results are quoted in N.
Edgewise Compression Testing (ECT)
Edge crush testing is a measure of the load bearing capability of corrugated fibreboard to loads acting parallel to the fluting. Results are quoted in kN/m.
Smithers test to British Standard BS EN ISO 3037 and International Standard ISO 3037.
Flat Crush Testing (FCT)
Flat crush testing is a measure of the load bearing capability of corrugated board to loads acting perpendicular to the fluting. Results are quoted in kPa.
We test to British Standard BS EN 23035 and International Standard ISO 3035.
Ring Crush Testing
Ring crush testing is used to measure the edgewise compression of paper and board materials. A short cylinder of material is inserted into an annular groove and axially loaded to failure. Results are quoted in kN/m.
We measure in conformity with International Standard ISO 12192.
Short Span Compression Testing (SCT)
Short span compression testing measures the compression strength of paper and board materials over a very short compression span. The clamping arrangement is designed to prevent the test piece from buckling during the test.
We test to British Standard BS 7325, International Standard ISO 9895 and Tappi T826.
Paper Proficiency Services
Concora Medium Testing, Flat Crush Testing, Ring Crush Testing and Short Span Compression Testing are all included in our
Paper Proficiency Service.
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