The Future of Package Printing to 2029

This report provides authoritative market sizing data and forecasting of the market for printed packaging and labels over the period 2019–29. It identifies major trends driving growth in the package printing sector.

Table of Contents Key Facts and Figures
  • In 2024, the package printing market is worth $512 billion and it will increase to $695 billion by 2029
  • Between 2024 and 2029, the market will witness a growth rate of 6.3% CAGR in value terms
This report provides authoritative market sizing data and forecasting of the market for printed packaging and labels over the period 2019–29. It identifies major trends and drivers affecting the package printing sector, such as increasing urbanisation rates, growth in e-commerce and advances in print technologies.

Package printing processes are increasingly automated for greater efficiency with advanced workflows, robotics and artificial intelligence deployed on modern presses. Digital print is by far the fastest growing print technology for labels and packaging.

As markets expand, the positive outlook for printed packaging will attract investment in new package print equipment and in R&D and services from packaging designers, equipment suppliers, software, ink and materials companies and others.

Key Questions
  • Which areas of the industry will experience the greatest growth over the next five years?
  • How is the industry preparing to adapt to the PPWR?
  • What are the main challenges the industry needs to overcome?
  • How is the global drive for sustainability impacting supply chains?
This report is essential to:
  • Printer manufacturers
  • Ink and packaging substrate suppliers
  • Packaging converters and print service providers
About the author
Jon Harper Smith has over 15 years’ experience in the printing industry through his time working with Fujifilm and has extensive experience of industrial and package printing businesses with particular focus on industrial inkjet and flexo processes. He has a proven ability to develop complex cross border businesses involving the provision of highly technical products that meet strict end user specifications.
The Future of Package Printing to 2029

Name The Future of Package Printing to 2029

Date 10/27/2024

Price $6750.00

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