The Future of Fluff Pulp to 2029

This report documents the growth of fluff pulp capacity and consumption from 2019 through 2029 and includes a detailed quantitative breakdown of fluff pulp consumption by end-use application and by geographic region.

Table of Contents Key Facts and Figures
  • Demand has flattened for fluff pulp, but prices have appreciated significantly – increasing by almost 50% since 2019
  • By 2029 it is projected that the fluff pulp market will reach volume of 8.62 million air dried tonnes, valued at $11.5 billion 
  • Between 2024 and 2029, annual growth rates are 3.4% (volume) and 3.6% (value).
The global fluff pulp market in 2024 consists of 7.8 million air dried tonnes of capacity, produced primarily by 11 producers in 22 separate mills. This capacity includes ‘swing’ mill capacity (mills that can produce other products as well as fluff pulp). In 2024, it is estimated that about 88% of capable capacity is producing fluff rather than alternative materials.

Produced using the kraft (sulphate) chemical pulp process from coarse, long-fibre softwoods, fluff pulp historically has been a speciality pulp grade with higher prices and margins than the more common papermaking pulp grades. This report documents the growth of fluff pulp capacity and consumption from 2019 through 2029 and includes a detailed quantitative breakdown of fluff pulp consumption by end-use application and by geographic region. Fluff pulp production is broken down by wood species, pulping process and treatments.  

Key Questions
  • How swing mills will affect fluff pulp capacity to 2029
  • What impact changes in production costs will have on the market
  • What factors are causing instability in the fluff pulp market
  • Which end-use sectors have highest growth potential over the next five years
  • How the global drive to reduce plastic consumption has impacted the market for fluff pulp.
This report benefits
  • Raw material suppliers and pulp producers 
  • Machinery and equipment suppliers
  • Hygiene product and wipes manufacturers
About the author
Phillip Mango has spent almost 40 years in the nonwovens industry. He has held various positions and areas of expertise within the industry, from applications management for the global leader in nonwoven binders to technology director for the world’s largest airlaid producer, to founder, owner and head of operations for his own nonwovens company. He entered the consulting field in 2003 and has authored more than 35 reports for Smithers.
The Future of Fluff Pulp to 2029

Name The Future of Fluff Pulp to 2029

Date 7/30/2024

Price $6750.00

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