Infographic: Key Growth Drivers in Connected Tires

Infographic: Key Growth Drivers in Connected Tires

The global market for connected tires is emerging in the context of macro trends both in the tire industry and in mobility and transportation modes and technologies (e.g., automation, sensors and data analytics). 

Building on current tire pressure management systems (TPMS), connected tires are following trends towards greater vehicle connectivity, and are seen as critical components as autonomous driving technologies and predictive maintenance practices proliferate, and tire information becomes more important.

Connected tire adoption is gaining traction initially in the most technologically advanced markets, with Europe and North America dominating the market during the next five years as the technology is scaled up and more widely applied.

Our latest infographic looks at the key growth drivers in the connected tire market. It includes:
  • End-use market share 
  • Connected tire market by type, value growth
  • Key players
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