The Future of Industrial and Decorative Printing to 2029

This report provides market data and insights into industrial and decorative printing – the use of printing technology to produce decor, ceramics, printed electronics, glass, automotive printing, biomedical and life science printing, 3D printing and inkjet-printed textiles.

Table of Contents Key Facts and Figures
  • The industrial and decorative printing market is worth $112.9 billion in 2024, with a growth rate to 2029 of 5.5% CAGR
  • At 51% electronics has the largest market share, and will witness a growth rate of 6.8% CAGR between 2024 and 2029
This report covers the use of printing outside traditional graphics, publications and packaging applications. Worth £112.9 billion in 2024, the industrial and decorative print sector represents attractive market opportunities as new applications come to market. Asia is the largest producer region, reflecting the position of China and other newly industrialised countries in the region as centres of global manufacturing.

This report provides market data and insights into industrial and decorative printing – the use of printing technology to produce decor, ceramics, printed electronics, glass, automotive printing, biomedical and life science printing, 3D printing and inkjet-printed textiles. Based on extensive primary and secondary research, this report provides market data and forecasts through to 2029, segmented by process, application, and region. The study is a vital strategic planning tool for print businesses looking to enter, or expand in, the industrial and decorative printing markets.

Key Questions
  • What are the key trends in industrial and decorative printing?
  • What technical innovations are expected in the industry?
  • How will regulations affect this market?
  • Which sectors of industrial and decorative printing are growing fastest?
  • What are the main challenges facing this market?
This report benefits:
  • Raw materials suppliers including inks and consumables
  • Equipment and machinery suppliers
  • Print consultants and analysts
About the author
Jon Harper Smith has over 15 years’ experience in the printing industry through his time working with Fujifilm and has extensive experience of industrial and package printing businesses with particular focus on industrial inkjet and flexo processes. He has a proven ability to develop complex cross-border businesses involving the provision of highly technical products that meet strict end user specifications.
The Future of Industrial and Decorative Printing to 2029

Name The Future of Industrial and Decorative Printing to 2029

Date 01/10/2024

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